Race At Work Bohm Dialogue Programme
Never before has there been a greater need for deeper listening and more open communication to cope with complex problems facing organisations on the topic of race at work.
David Bohm was a renowned scientist and one of the most searching thinkers in modern physics. He identified creative dialogue; a sharing of assumptions and understanding as a means by which the individual and society as a whole can learn more about themselves and others and achieve a renewed sense of purpose.
This one day programme based on Bohm Dialogue, enables a free flowing exchange of thoughts, ideas and points of view. Increased consciousness and deeper understanding on the topic of race at work creates breakthrough followed by sustainable action and results
The process represents the diversity of people (20-40 per session) across an organisation i.e. different grades, functions, roles and ethnicity, in a safe environment to explore this important topic
- Learn about the process and prepare to get the most from the session through
deep listening and participation skills
- Harness collective intelligence in the room; new thinking emerging from the group
- Talk and listen freely without judgement and without trying to influence others;
conveying ideas and releasing blockages
- Capture key themes and understanding in groups
- Generate innovative action plans which will have buy-in from all
- Agree objectives and commitment (individual and collective)
Group size: 40 people max
Client organisation provides meeting space and refreshment