Event Details:
Date: Thursday, 26th September
Time: 8:45 for registration and a 9.00 am start to 5.30 pm with Networking until 6.00 pm
Location: Crowne Plaza London Docklands E16 1AL
Is this masterclass for you?
Are you struggling to negotiate power and politics or adverse workplace conditions?
Maybe you want to increase your visibility and get the most from your leadership role?
Or perhaps you feel unable to have an influence that drives more inclusive leadership in your team?
Do you want equal opportunities and are fed up with being overlooked for great projects or roles?
Are you concerned you may never reach full potential and the thought of future regret plagues you more than you care to think about?
Do you just want your voice to be heard?
If any of these resonate with you, and you answered yes, this masterclass is for you.
Step into your power, break barriers and ignite your career with our dynamic masterclass. Crafted to amplify confidence, clarify purpose, and empower Global Majority/Black, Asian and diverse leadership to create meaningful change in their work and personal lives.
Come spend it with like-minded people and start the journey to explore who you are Becoming.
In this masterclass:
We will explore living into your values and purpose as the compass in your career
We will dive into your identity, culture, and lived experiences to understand how it shapes who you are and your personal brand and impact in the workplace
We will use it to write your manifesto for life and own your voice at any table.
We will start your journey by interrupting your fears and self-limiting beliefs about what you can achieve.
We will define a simple strategy to lead on growing our global majority footprint in our workplaces.
If this sounds like just what you need right now, don’t hesitate just take your seat at the table.
Join me and 100 like-minded folks
You know it’s your time to shine. Time to Be Visible, Be Confident.
Be Visible, Be Confident Leadership Masterclass, For Global Majority Professionals
Empowering Global Majority Leadership with BAME to Boardroom
Elevate Your Impact, Shine Bright, and Transform Your Career
Click the link to buy your tickets: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/leadership-masterclass-tickets-902853899317
At BAME to Boardroom, our focus is Global Majority/Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic (BAME) individuals who we know are less likely to be recruited and progress in the UK workplace compared with their white counterparts.
Research shows significantly more people from Black, Asian, and minoritised backgrounds, than their counterparts said that progression was an important part of working life – but more people from these backgrounds say their career progression has failed to meet their expectations. Unfortunately, although there have been some improvements since the death of George Floyd in 2020, just a few years down the line, there is now a more negative narrative about diversity and inclusion initiatives in organisations. We now must take control of ensuring our own success through personal and leadership development.
Overall, there is a growing body of research indicating that limiting beliefs may be particularly prevalent for the marginalised or racialised groups, and that addressing these beliefs is crucial for promoting equity and supporting individuals in achieving their full potential.
Tony Robbins explained that "Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy'. He said, 'Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a meaning that disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives."
Why is this important?
In the 2018 McGregor-Smith review backed by the government stated, "the UK economy could benefit from a £24bn-a-year boost if Black and Minority E.,mthnic people progressed in work at the same rate as their white counterparts".
But as of 2021, British directors from ethnic minoritised backgrounds held 66 director positions out of the 1,056 total directors in the FTSE 100. This represents 5.6% of all positions on the list. The last census data 2021 showed that 82% of people in England and Wales are white, and 18% belong to a Black, Asian, mixed, or other ethnic group.
At BAME to Boardroom our mission is to turn the dial on this missed opportunity for personal and economic growth and help create the pipeline of Global Majority or Black, Asian and other minoritised talent as future leaders.
We want to inspire a million careers by 2030 through our programmes in order to achieve fair representation of Black, Asian, and ethnic minoritised people across UK boardrooms.